Have you been considering working in a private school? It certainly has its benefits, however there is a lot to consider before you embark upon this career path. Make sure that you’ve put some serious thought into it before you make that big career move.
Do you have the right qualifications? Some private schools may want you to have a different education. They might be more fussy about what you’ve studied for on top of your teaching background. This can differ from school to school so read about the job before applying for anything.
Will the pay be the same? It might be better, but it also might be worse. Check with the institution before applying, as it may vary across different schools.
What will the holidays be like? Sometimes the holidays will vary slightly. Often you will have more, but sometimes the holidays will fall at slightly different times. There usually won’t be a dramatic difference, but if it might affect you, double check in the contract what you will be entitled to. This is especially important if you have children and need to take childcare into consideration.